
The Backstory

In 2018, the Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) in public primary schools was 56:1 against the recommended PTR in Kenya of 40:1, while in the public secondary schools, the Student-Teacher Ratio (STR) was 41.1. Public primary schools were faced with a deficit of 39,913 while secondary schools were short of 47,576 teachers. The long closure of schools in Kenya in 2020, that was intended to combat COVID-19, resulted in many private schools facing financial difficulties, leading to permanent closure these private schools and causing more overcrowding in public schools. In order to make up for the lost time, the Ministry of Education came up with a compressed school calendar to ensure a return to the normal school calendar by 2023.

Whilst normalcy returned to the school calendar in 2023, implementation of the CBC curriculum still faces a myriad challenges in 2024, that are negatively affecting learning. This has put immense pressure on learners, parents and teachers leading to deteriorating education standards.

Many parents are deciding to take control of their children’s education and opting for the homeschooling model, given its intellectual, social and economic benefits. By working with iRead Africa, we promise to share with you the responsibility for your child's development and you can be assured that you will always have someone on hand to help on your homeschooling journey.

Certified Teachers
Students Enrolled
Completed Classes

Digital learning should be part of a basic package of essential services for every child

By Maniza Zaman, UNICEF Representative to Kenya


Everything we do is about empowering our learners. From the teacher who focuses on creating informative and engaging digital content, to the system administrator obsessed with designing an ed-tech platform that offers great user experience – iRead Africa is committed to making learning interesting, fun, simple and student oriented. While many students find learning to be “boring,” our teachers strive each day to encourage them to love and enjoy learning, and truly engage themselves in the pursuit of knowledge.

We value: Dignity – treating every learner with respect; Truthfulness – being honest with each other and showing mutual respect; Fairness – avoiding favoritism; and Responsibility – commitment to standards and ethics of the education sector.


Parents are increasingly choosing to proactively take responsibility for their children’s education. They desperately want to save their children from the immense pressure to perform under the current schooling system and provide a conducive and peaceful environment where their young ones can learn at ease. Many parents are seriously considering homeschooling.

By partnering with iRead Africa, you have access to a highly qualified and experienced partner that shares in your desire to see your child succeed in life. We provide all children and parents access to well structured digital classes, digital learning material, educative events, a community of peers and the support of our team of dedicated teachers. We look forward to welcoming you and your child to iRead’s homeschooling community.

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